Every Believer Confident
This podcasts explores apologetics and evangelism in practical terms in short form episodes. It is aimed at the ordinary Christian who wants to effectively reach unbelievers in an indirect, conversational and relational manner. The podcast is led by Dr. Mark Farnham (PhD, Westminster), the Founder and Director of Apologetics for the Church, a local church training ministry. Mark is also Director of the Master of Arts in Christian Apologetics at Lancaster Bible College | Capital Seminary in Lancaster, PA.
Every Believer Confident
Was Eve an Evidentialist?
The most common approach to apologetics is the evidentialist approach, which argues that what the unbeliever needs most is evidence of the truth of Christianity. Once there is enough evidence, belief is sure to follow. By looking at the case of Eve in the Garden of Eden, we can see that there is a more fundamental problem–our rebellion against God. Even when we have all the evidence we could want, apart from the work of the Holy Spirit, genuine belief will not happen.
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